Article Spinning

Article spinning refers to the practice of creating new content from existing content by replacing words or phrases with synonyms or by rephrasing sentences and paragraphs By substituting synonyms for...

Article spinning

Article spinning refers to the practice of creating new content from existing content by replacing words or phrases with synonyms or by rephrasing sentences and paragraphs By substituting synonyms for words or phrases or by rephrasing sentences and paragraphs, article spinning is the activity of generating fresh content from previously published material. The aim of article spinning is to create numerous original articles that are completely different from one another and can be used for a variety of things, including boosting search engine rankings, building backlinks, and coming up with new material for websites and blogs. The credibility and reputation of a website may suffer if article spinning is utilized to create poor-quality, confusing, or difficult-to-read content.

The ability to produce several versions of an article, which can be utilized to reach a larger audience and boost the visibility of their material, makes article spinning crucial in content marketing. Businesses can target multiple keywords, themes, and audiences by producing distinctive versions of original articles, and publishing the content on a variety of venues, including social media, blogs, and article directories.

Additionally, by reusing current material rather than developing new content from scratch, article spinning can help businesses save time and resources. This is especially helpful for companies that need to regularly produce a lot of material.

A website’s reputation and search engine rankings can be negatively impacted by low-quality spun content, so article spinning should be utilized professionally and responsibly. Therefore, companies should make sure that the spun material is of a high standard, distinctive, and beneficial to readers.

What is article spinning?

How article spinning works

To produce a fresh, original version of the original content, article spinning involves taking an existing piece of writing and altering its wording, structure, and composition. An article can be spun using a variety of methods and tools, including human spinning, automatic software, and internet services.

Manual spinning entails rewriting an article by hand, and making changes to the language, sentence structure, and paragraph structure. Although it may take some time, doing this can provide original, high-quality content that readers will find valuable.

Algorithms are used by automated spinning software and online services to reword sentences and paragraphs by substituting words and phrases with synonyms or alternative ones. To produce new versions of an article, some spinning programs additionally leverage databases of previously spun information called spinning templates. The text produced by these technologies may be of low quality and challenging to read, but they can save time and effort.

It’s crucial to remember that not all types of article spinning are morally right or appropriate. Spinning material to produce spammy or low-quality articles can damage a website’s reputation and lead to penalties from search engines. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the spun material is of a good caliber and offers readers value.

Different types of article spinning

Different article-spinning techniques can be used to create unique content from an existing article. Here are some of the most common types:

  1. Synonym Replacement: This technique involves replacing words in the original article with synonyms or similar words to create a new version of the content.

  2. Sentence and Paragraph Rewriting: This technique involves rewording sentences and paragraphs in the original article to create a new version of the content that is structured differently.

  3. Spintax: Spintax is a syntax used by spinning software to create multiple unique versions of an article. It involves inserting synonyms and alternative phrases in brackets or curly braces within the text, which the software can randomly select to generate a new version of the article.

  4. Article spinning templates: Some spinning software uses pre-written templates to create new versions of an article. These templates may include pre-spun content and placeholders for keywords and phrases that can be replaced with synonyms or alternative words.

It’s important to note that not all article-spinning techniques are ethical or acceptable. Spinning content to create low-quality or spammy articles can harm a website’s reputation and result in search engine penalties. Therefore, ensuring that the spun content is of high quality and provides value to the readers is essential.

Article spinning in SEO

How article spinning affects SEO

Depending on how it is done and the caliber of the produced material, article spinning can have a beneficial or bad impact on SEO.

Positively, by creating more original content that search engines can index, article spinning can increase a website’s search engine rankings. Businesses can target various keywords, themes, and audiences by writing numerous versions of an article, which can increase traffic and website visibility.

However, if the generated material is of poor quality, spammy, or duplicate, article spinning can also impair a website’s SEO. Google and other search engines are becoming more adept at identifying spun material and punishing websites that employ it. Google’s algorithm upgrades like Panda and Penguin have particularly targeted low-quality content, such as spun articles, and have led to lower search engine rankings and even fines for websites that employ them.

It is crucial to employ article spinning ethically and responsibly by producing excellent, distinctive, and useful material that benefits the audience. Additionally, spinning shouldn’t be used as the only method of content creation but rather should be used sparingly and as part of a bigger content strategy. By doing this, firms may take advantage of article spinning’s SEO advantages without running the risk of adverse impacts.

Risks and disadvantages of article spinning for SEO

Article spinning can present several risks and disadvantages for SEO when not done properly. Here are some of the key risks and disadvantages of article spinning:

  1. Low-Quality Content: Spun articles can often be of low quality, making them difficult to read and potentially harmful to a website’s reputation. Poor-quality content can also result in a high bounce rate and a low engagement rate, which can negatively impact a website’s search engine rankings.

  2. Duplicate Content: Article spinning can result in content that is very similar or identical to other content on the web, which can be flagged as duplicate content by search engines. Duplicate content can harm a website’s SEO by reducing the visibility of its pages in search results.

  3. Penalization by Search Engines: Search engines like Google are becoming increasingly sophisticated at detecting low-quality content and penalizing websites that use it. Google’s algorithm updates, such as Panda and Penguin, specifically target low-quality content, including spun articles, and can result in lower search engine rankings or even penalties for websites that use them.

  4. Wasted Resources: Article spinning can be a time-consuming process, and the resulting content may not provide much value to readers. This can waste valuable resources that could be better spent on creating high-quality, original content.

  5. Ethical Concerns: Spinning articles to create low-quality or spammy content is considered an unethical practice and can harm a website’s reputation. It is important to ensure that the spun content is of high quality, unique, and provides value to the readers.

Best practices for using article spinning in SEO

When used ethically and responsibly, article spinning can be a useful tool for improving a website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using article spinning for SEO:

  1. Use High-Quality Content: Start with high-quality content that is original and provides value to the readers. The spun content should also be of high quality, unique, and provide value to the readers.

  2. Avoid Duplicate Content: Avoid spinning content that is already available on the web or that is too similar to other content. Duplicate content can harm a website’s SEO by reducing the visibility of its pages in search results.

  3. Use Ethical Practices: Use ethical practices when spinning content, and ensure that the spun content is not low-quality, spammy, or harmful to the website’s reputation. Ensure that the content provides value to the readers and is relevant to the website’s target audience.

  4. Use Spinning Software Carefully: Use spinning software carefully, and only use reputable and trustworthy software. Ensure that the software is capable of producing high-quality, unique, and valuable content.

  5. Proofread and Edit: Always proofread and edit the spun content to ensure that it is of high quality, readable, and free of errors.

  6. Use in Moderation: Use article spinning in moderation and as part of a larger content strategy. Avoid relying solely on spun content to generate content for a website.

  7. Monitor Results: Monitor the results of the spun content to ensure that it is performing well in terms of engagement, traffic, and search engine rankings.

Tools for article spinning

Article spinning software

Article-spinning software is a tool that can help content creators generate multiple variations of a single piece of content by automatically replacing words, phrases, or sentences with synonyms or other similar phrases. This software can be used to create a large volume of content quickly and efficiently, which can be useful for SEO and content marketing purposes.

There are various article-spinning software available in the market, ranging from simple web-based tools to more advanced desktop applications. Some of the popular article-spinning software are:

  1. Spin Rewriter: Spin Rewriter is a popular article-spinning software that uses Artificial Intelligence to understand the text and automatically create new variations of the content.

  2. The Best Spinner: The Best Spinner is another popular article-spinning software that allows users to spin their content at sentence and paragraph levels.

  3. WordAI: WordAI is a sophisticated article-spinning software that uses natural language processing and machine learning to create unique content.

  4. Chimp Rewriter: Chimp Rewriter is a cloud-based article-spinning software that uses an intuitive interface and advanced algorithms to create unique content.

  5. SpinnerChief: SpinnerChief is a desktop application that allows users to create multiple variations of a single article by replacing words and phrases with synonyms.

It’s important to note that while article-spinning software can help generate multiple versions of a single piece of content, it’s important to use it responsibly and ethically. The resulting content should be of high quality, unique, and provide value to the readers. It’s also important to proofread and edit the spun content to ensure that it is readable and free of errors.

Article spinning plugins for WordPress and Microsoft Word

Here are some popular article spinning plugins for WordPress and Microsoft Word:


  1. Spin Rewriter: Spin Rewriter offers a WordPress plugin that allows users to spin their content directly from their WordPress dashboard. The plugin integrates with Spin Rewriter’s API to provide users with access to the software’s spinning capabilities.

  2. WordAi: WordAi also offers a WordPress plugin that allows users to spin their content directly from their WordPress dashboard. The plugin uses WordAi’s artificial intelligence to automatically create unique content variations.

  3. SpinnerChief: SpinnerChief offers a WordPress plugin that allows users to spin their content directly from their WordPress dashboard. The plugin provides users with access to SpinnerChief’s advanced spinning algorithms.

Microsoft Word:

  1. Spin Rewriter: Spin Rewriter offers a Microsoft Word plugin that allows users to spin their content directly from within Word. The plugin integrates with Spin Rewriter’s API to provide users with access to the software’s spinning capabilities.

  2. SpinnerChief: SpinnerChief also offers a Microsoft Word plugin that allows users to spin their content directly from within Word. The plugin provides users with access to SpinnerChief’s advanced spinning algorithms.

  3. CleverSpinner: CleverSpinner offers a Microsoft Word plugin that allows users to spin their content directly from within Word. The plugin uses CleverSpinner’s advanced algorithms to create unique content variations.

It’s important to note that while article spinning plugins can be helpful in generating multiple versions of a single piece of content, it’s important to use them responsibly and ethically. The resulting content should be of high quality, unique, and provide value to the readers. It’s also important to proofread and edit the spun content to ensure that it is readable and free of errors.

Writing article spinning Spintax code

Writing Spintax code for article spinning can be a bit tricky, but with some practice, it can become easier. Spintax is a syntax format used in article-spinning software to create multiple variations of a single piece of content.

Here’s an example of Spintax code for spinning a sentence:

Original sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


Spintax code: {The|A} {quick|fast} {brown|red|grey} {fox|wolf} {jumps|leaps} {over|above} {the|a} {lazy|sleepy} {dog|canine}.


In this example, Spintax code is created by placing variations of each word or phrase within curly braces and separated by a vertical bar. The article spinning software will then choose one of the variations at random when creating the spun article.

Here are some tips for writing Spintax code for article spinning:

  1. Use synonyms and related phrases to create variations: Use synonyms and related phrases to create multiple variations of a sentence. This will help make the spun content unique and readable.

  2. Avoid overusing Spintax: Overusing Spintax can make the content difficult to read and may result in low-quality content. Use Spintax sparingly and make sure that the resulting content is readable and makes sense.

  3. Proofread and edit the spun content: Even though article-spinning software can create multiple variations of a piece of content, it’s important to proofread and edit the resulting content to ensure that it is readable and free of errors.

Overall, Spintax code can be a useful tool for creating multiple variations of a piece of content quickly and efficiently. However, it’s important to use it responsibly and ethically and ensure that the resulting content is of high quality and provides value to the readers.

How to tell if an article has been spun

Signs of spun articles

Here are some signs of spun articles that you can look for:

  1. Unnatural language: Spun articles can often have an unnatural flow of language and sentences that do not make sense. This is because the software often replaces words with synonyms, resulting in awkward phrasing and incorrect grammar.

  2. Inconsistencies in tone and voice: If an article has multiple variations of the same sentence or paragraph, the tone and voice of the content may not be consistent throughout the article.

  3. Repetitive content: Spun articles often contain repetitive content, such as repeating the same sentence or paragraph with slight variations.

  4. Keyword stuffing: Article spinning can sometimes lead to keyword stuffing, where the same keyword is repeated multiple times throughout the article. This can result in low-quality content that is not useful or informative for the reader.

  5. Unrelated content: Spun articles may also contain unrelated content that does not make sense in the context of the article or the topic being discussed.

  6. Low-quality content: Spun articles may be of low quality and may not provide value to the reader. They may contain errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax, and may not be well-researched or informative.

It’s important to note that not all spun articles will exhibit these signs, and there are cases where spun content can be of high quality and provide value to the reader. However, it’s important to be aware of these signs when reading articles and to ensure that the content is of high quality and provides value to the reader.

How to verify the originality of an article

Verifying the originality of an article is an important step in ensuring that the content is not plagiarized or spun. Here are some methods you can use to check the originality of an article:

  1. Use plagiarism checker tools: There are many plagiarism checker tools available online that can help you check the originality of an article. Some popular tools include Grammarly, Turnitin, and Copyscape. These tools compare the article with other online content to check for similarities and identify potential instances of plagiarism.

  2. Manually check the article: You can also manually check the article by reading through it carefully and checking for any instances of copied or spun content. Look for repetitive sentences, unusual phrasing, or errors in grammar and spelling that may indicate that the content has been spun or plagiarized.

  3. Use search engines: You can also use search engines like Google to check the originality of an article. Simply copy a unique phrase or sentence from the article and paste it into the search engine to see if any similar content appears in the search results.

  4. Hire a professional: If you’re not confident in your ability to check the originality of an article, you can hire a professional to do it for you. Freelance writers, editors, and content marketing agencies often offer content verification services that can help you ensure that the content is original and high-quality.

Overall, verifying the originality of an article is an important step in ensuring that the content is of high quality and provides value to the reader. By using one or more of these methods, you can check the originality of an article and ensure that it meets your standards for quality and authenticity.

Charging for article spinning

How to price article spinning services

Pricing article spinning services can vary depending on several factors, including the length of the article, the level of complexity involved in spinning it, the quality of the original content, and the experience and expertise of the service provider. Here are some common pricing models used by article spinning service providers:

  1. Flat rate per article: Many service providers charge a flat rate per article. This rate can vary depending on the length and complexity of the article, as well as the experience and expertise of the service provider.

  2. Hourly rate: Some service providers charge an hourly rate for article spinning services. This rate can vary depending on the level of experience and expertise of the service provider.

  3. Project-based pricing: For larger projects that involve spinning multiple articles, service providers may offer project-based pricing. This pricing model takes into account the number of articles involved, as well as the level of complexity and the quality of the original content.

When pricing article spinning services, it’s important to consider the amount of time and effort involved in the process. Spinning high-quality articles that are well-written and informative can take significant time and effort, so it’s important to ensure that your pricing reflects the value of the service you’re providing. Additionally, it’s important to be transparent with your clients about your pricing structure and any additional fees that may be involved, such as rush fees for expedited projects.

Factors that affect the cost of article spinning

Several factors can affect the cost of article spinning services, including:

  1. Length and complexity of the article: Longer and more complex articles may require more time and effort to spin, which can increase the cost of the service.

  2. Quality of the original content: The quality of the original content can also impact the cost of article spinning. If the original content is poorly written or difficult to understand, it may take more time and effort to spin it effectively.

  3. Level of spinning required: The level of spinning required can also affect the cost of the service. Basic spinning, which involves replacing words and phrases with synonyms, may be less expensive than advanced spinning, which involves reorganizing sentences and paragraphs.

  4. The expertise of the service provider: The experience and expertise of the service provider can also impact the cost of article spinning. Providers with more experience and a proven track record of delivering high-quality content may charge higher rates.

  5. Timeframe for delivery: Rush orders or expedited delivery may also increase the cost of article spinning services.

  6. Additional services: Additional services such as editing and proofreading may also impact the cost of article spinning.

F.A.Q About Spinning Article

Spinning an article refers to the process of rewriting an existing article using software or other techniques to create multiple unique versions of the same content. The goal of spinning an article is to produce multiple versions of an article that can be published on different websites or directories without triggering duplicate content penalties from search engines.

Article spinning involves replacing words, phrases, and sometimes even entire sentences and paragraphs with synonyms or alternative phrases. This process can be done manually, but it is more commonly done using article spinning software that automates the process.

The resulting spun articles may not read as smoothly or coherently as the original article, and there may be errors in grammar or syntax that require additional editing and proofreading. While spinning an article can save time and effort compared to writing multiple unique articles from scratch, it is important to note that spun articles may not be of the same quality as original content and may not be well-received by readers.

A spinning article is an article that has been rewritten using software or other techniques to create multiple versions of the same content. Spinning an article involves replacing words, phrases, and sometimes even entire sentences and paragraphs with synonyms or alternative phrases. The goal of spinning an article is to produce multiple versions of an article that can be published on different websites or directories without triggering duplicate content penalties from search engines.

While spinning an article can save time and effort compared to writing multiple unique articles from scratch, it is important to note that spun articles may not be of the same quality as original content and may not be well-received by readers. Spun articles may also be flagged as spam by search engines and can harm a website’s search engine ranking. Therefore, it is important to use article spinning techniques carefully and thoughtfully to ensure that the resulting content is of high quality and meets the needs of the target audience.

To spin an article using a WordPress plugin, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Install an article spinning plugin on your WordPress website. There are several free and paid plugins available, such as Spin Rewriter, WordAi, and Chimp Rewriter.

  2. Open the post or page that you want to spin and click on the “Spin Rewriter” button or the button for the plugin that you have installed.

  3. Choose the spinning options that you want to use. You can select the level of spinning, the degree of uniqueness, and other settings.

  4. Click on the “Spin” button to spin the article. The plugin will automatically replace words and phrases with synonyms or alternative phrases.

  5. Review the spun article to ensure that it is of high quality and free of errors. Edit and proofread the article as necessary.

  6. Save and publish the spun article.

The circle that is continually spinning and flashing while you are trying to read an article is likely the loading icon. This icon indicates that the page is still loading and that the content is not yet available for viewing.

There are several reasons why the loading icon may continue to spin and flash while you are trying to read an article:

  1. Slow internet connection: If your internet connection is slow or unreliable, it may take longer for the page to load, and the loading icon may continue to spin and flash.

  2. Heavy website traffic: If the website is experiencing heavy traffic, it may take longer for the page to load, and the loading icon may continue to spin and flash.

  3. Browser issues: If your browser is outdated or not properly configured, it may have difficulty loading the page, and the loading icon may continue to spin and flash.

To resolve the issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check your internet connection and try again.

  2. Refresh the page by clicking the refresh button on your browser or pressing the F5 key.

  3. Clear your browser cache and cookies, which can sometimes resolve loading issues.

  4. Try using a different browser or updating your current browser to the latest version.

If none of these solutions work, there may be an issue with the website itself, and you may need to contact the website’s support team for further assistance.

Submitting an article for spinning is not a widely recognized practice, as many content creation and SEO professionals view it as a risky and potentially unethical practice. Additionally, search engines are increasingly sophisticated in detecting spun content and may penalize websites that use such content.

If you are looking to create unique content for your website or blog, it is generally recommended to use original content or hire a professional writer to create high-quality, unique content for your site. However, if you are still interested in having an article spun, you may be able to find freelancers or agencies that offer article spinning services through online marketplaces or job boards.

It is important to exercise caution when seeking out article spinning services, as the quality of the resulting content may vary widely, and poorly spun content can harm your website’s reputation and search engine ranking. Always vet potential service providers carefully, and consider working with reputable professionals or agencies with a track record of producing high-quality content.

In summary, article spinning is a controversial practice in the world of content marketing and SEO. While it can be an effective way to generate unique content and increase search engine visibility, it can also be risky and potentially damaging to a website’s reputation and search engine ranking if not executed properly.

To use article spinning effectively, it is important to follow best practices such as creating high-quality, original content as the source material, using quality article spinning software or plugins, and taking care to avoid overuse of spun content.

Ultimately, the decision to use article spinning as a content marketing strategy will depend on the goals and needs of individual businesses or website owners. It is important to carefully weigh the potential benefits and risks before deciding whether to pursue this strategy.

Picture of Juan Campuzano

Juan Campuzano

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