304 Not Modified

Introduction HTTP response codes are essential tools that help communicate the status of a request between a client and a server. One such code is 304 Not Modified, which indicates...

error 304


HTTP response codes are essential tools that help communicate the status of a request between a client and a server. One such code is 304 Not Modified, which indicates that a resource has not been modified and can be retrieved from the cache. This article will take a closer look at the 304 Not Modified code and its usage.


The 304 Not Modified code is used in conjunction with the “conditional GET” request method, which allows a client only to retrieve a resource if it has been modified since the last time it was requested. When the server receives a conditional GET request, it checks the help in question and compares its current state to the state of the cached copy on the client. If the resource has not been modified, the server will return a 304 Not Modified code, along with the appropriate headers, indicating that the client can use the cached copy.

This mechanism is defined in the HTTP/1.1 specification, which specifies that “the 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields”.

Example Use Cases

An everyday use case for the 304 Not Modified code is in web applications where resources such as images and stylesheets are frequently requested but do not change often. Using the 304 Not Modified code, the server can avoid wasting bandwidth and resources on sending the same data multiple times. Additionally, this can improve the overall performance of the web application.

Another example is RESTful API development, where specific endpoints are intended to return the same data if the server hasn’t modified them. This can save server resources and the client’s battery, data, and processing power.

A server can be configured to return a 304 Not Modified code by checking for and handling “conditional GET” requests. A conditional GET request is a type of request where the client includes headers such as “If-Modified-Since” or “If-None-Match” to indicate that it already has a cached copy of the resource only wants to retrieve it if it has been modified. The server can then compare the state of the requested help with the form of the cached copy and return a 304 Not Modified code if the resource has not been modified.


Here are some examples of how to check for and handle a 304 Not Modified response in different programming languages:


// Check for a 304 Not Modified response

if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {

// Use the cached copy of the resource

} else {

// Retrieve the updated resource }


# Check for a 304 Not Modified response

if response.status_code == 304:

# Use the cached copy of the resource


# Retrieve the updated resource


// Check for a 304 Not Modified response

if (response.status === 304) {

// Use the cached copy of the resource

} else {

// Retrieve the updated resource



To implement the 304 Not Modified code, a server must be configured to check for and handle conditional GET requests. This can be done using various web server configurations or frameworks. In addition, many programming languages and frameworks, such as Java, Python, and Ruby on Rails, have libraries or modules that can simplify handling the 304 Not Modified code. For example, in Apache, the mod_cache and mod_headers modules can be used to control caching and headers, respectively.


When working with the 304 Not Modified code, a common issue is that the cached copy on the client may be stale or incorrect. To prevent this, the server should ensure that the appropriate headers, such as Last-Modified and ETag, are sent with each response. Additionally, the server should be configured to send a complete answer when the resource has been modified.

Another issue that can occur is that the server is not correctly handling the conditional GET request. To troubleshoot this, developers can use tools such as the Network tab in the browser’s developer tools to inspect the headers of the request and response.

Common issues

When working with the 304 Not Modified code, there are a few common issues that can arise:

  1. The cached copy is stale or incorrect: One of the main benefits of the 304 Not Modified code is that it allows clients to use a cached copy of a resource instead of requesting it from the server. However, if the cached copy is stale or incorrect, it can lead to issues such as broken links or incorrect content being displayed. To prevent this, the server should ensure that the appropriate headers, such as Last-Modified and ETag, are sent with each response. Additionally, the server should be configured to send a complete response when the resource has been modified.
  2. Conditional GET request not being handled properly: Another issue that can occur is that the server is not correctly handling the conditional GET request. This can happen if the server is not configured to check for and handle conditional GET requests or if there is a bug in the implementation. To troubleshoot this, developers can use tools such as the Network tab in the browser’s developer tools to inspect the headers of the request and response.
  3. Unintended cache: Some systems might not behave as intended when caching, leading to stale or inconsistent data. This is especially true in situations with high concurrency and low cache validity. To ensure this doesn’t happen, it’s advisable to carefully monitor the cache validity and how the system behaves under different loads.
  4. Incorrect 304 responses: Even if the system behaves as intended, human error can always lead to incorrect 304 responses. This can happen when a developer mistakenly considers a resource as not modified, even though it has changed. To avoid this, it’s recommended to have a proper review and testing process in place before deploying the changes.
  5. Cache-Control headers not appropriately set: HTTP response headers such as Cache-Control and Expires need to be set correctly to instruct the client and intermediate caches on when to refresh their cached copies of the resource. Incorrect settings of these headers can lead to stale data or unnecessary network traffic.
  6. Inconsistency between browser and server cache: when using browser caching, it’s essential to consider the possible inconsistencies between client and server caching. Developers should also ensure that the application appropriately handles the browser cache and that the browser cache is coherent with the server cache.

To troubleshoot these issues and avoid them, it’s essential to have proper monitoring and logging in place, to be aware of the different headers, and to have a thorough testing process to ensure the proper behavior of the 304 Not Modified code.


The 304 Not Modified code is an essential tool for reducing bandwidth usage and improving the performance of web applications and APIs. Clients can efficiently retrieve resources without requesting unmodified data by using the 304 Not Modified code in conjunction with the “conditional GET” request method. As a developer, it is essential to understand and implement this code to reduce server load and improve user experience.

References: HTTP/1.1 specification (RFC 7232)

Picture of Juan Campuzano

Juan Campuzano

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